Friday, November 17, 2006

Is Patronizing Your Mother A Developmental Milestone?

So...yesterday at the grocery store, I had the kids with me, and they were being remarkably helpful. Since Casey is "Star of the Week" in his class this week, he needed to take in a special snack to share, and he had chosen to take in chocolate-dipped pretzels. Well, scanning the racks in the chips aisle, I concluded that they were all out of the brand of pretzel rods that I usually use. Beau pointed out another brand of pretzel rods on a lower rack, and when I protested "But that's not the kind I usually use," he patted me on the back and, with an air of sympathy, said "It'll be alright Mom."


Anonymous said...

Do you think it's a stage that we might actually grow out of?

fusionmouse said...

Wow... what a quiet blog.