On Thanksgiving 2006, I am thankful to be able to sleep until 9 a.m.! Casey came in at 7:30 and asked if he could have Apple Jacks for breakfast (overly sugared cereals are reserved for dessert at Chateau Rideoux). When he got the "Yes," he was hoping for, he disappeared downstairs and left his parents in peace.
Despite the rain, we started the day with a neighborhood kickball game: adults v. kids. The game lasted an hour before the drizzle became a hard rain, and with the kids in a one-run lead, we called it a game and went home to cook.
The 10-pound bird took only 2-1/2 hours to cook, and with the turkey meal scheduled for dinnertime, it was a relaxed afternoon. And since Casey had come in second place at the Turkey Trot at school on Wednesday, he'd won an apple pie, relieving Britt of pie-baking duty for the day.
Our friend Barb arrived at 4 p.m. with salad and soup and helping hands. We sat down for a yummy dinner at 5 p.m.