Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Beau's Birthday

The day began with pie and presents for breakfast.

Gifts included the latest Paolini book, which Beau started reading right away.

Afternoon was Go Kart racing with friends.

After dinner we had cake.

Happy Birthday, Beau.

Thanksgiving Kickball 2011

Big crowd this year. As usual, the kids' team won. But I think they got an extra half an inning over the adults...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

In some parts of the state, due to the very early nor'easter on Saturday night that has left many towns still without power or with continued unsafe conditions (downed power lines, trees across roads, etc.), Halloween was postponed. However, in Cambridge, Halloween was in full force. All our snow is gone, the weather was cool but dry. And it seems that my kids haven't yet outgrown the holiday.

At school, Beau and a fellow Scout dressed as a pair of lost hikers.
(The friend forgot his beard.)
You can't see it, but Beau wore a UC Santa Cruz t-shirt.
Apparently the hikers made a wrong turn off the PCT!

For trick-or-treating,
Beau and a neighbor went as Fat Cats
(or bankers or insurance salesmen or something...)

While Casey went as an Occupy Boston Protestor (zombie style).

In addition to scoring a mound of candy,

Casey also scored $10 from a guy who liked his costume so much!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Son: The Ancient Roman

This past week was Spirit Week at the high school, and every day had a dress up theme. For Throwback Thursday, Beau went pretty far back.

He was a big hit with his Latin teacher. And the lunch lady gave him a medal for best costume.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Arnold's Vacation on Cape Cod

Arnold had a good time on Cape Cod this weekend.
He insisted on going "rafting."
He climbed on a boogie board (in the river)
and went hunting for crabs and other wildlife.
He ran on the beach -- never seen him so frisky!
He made a new friend -- Peaches, his doggie hostess.
And seemed to revel in the excursion.


There were plenty of extra pancakes at home the weekend Beau was away.

And he had a great time and is looking forward to going back to help for a week at a time for two sessions of resident camp later this summer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

From Camper to Staff

July 2006, Beau went to camp for the first time.

He went back to Cub Scout camp the next year.

In 2008, he "graduated" to attending Boy Scout camp.

He went to Boy Scout camp again in 2009.

In 2010, he got to go to Boy Scout camp with his dad.

Yesterday, he was back at the Cub Scout camp.

As staff.

Last Day of School 2011

Tully Lake Solstice Weekend 2011

We were lucky enough to be camping at our favorite campground last weekend.

We arrived Sat. afternoon and set up the tent.

Our site was by the lake.
(Why go to Tully Lake and camp under the canopy?)

Sunday morning, Casey and Britt got up 6 am to go fishing.
Then we had Father's Day breakfast.

Well, some of us had Father's Day breakfast.

Much of the day was spent fishing.

And relaxing.

And napping.

And canoeing.

Our neighbors came out for the afternoon.

Casey wouldn't leave on Sunday until he tied Britt for "number of fish caught."

Packing for the trip home is usually less tidy than the trip there.

Got home about 10 Sunday night.

Monday, May 30, 2011

What Does This Mean?

Game: Scattergories
Letter: S
Category: Magazines

Casey: "Sports Illustrated"

Robin: "Southern Living"

Beau: "Scientific American"



Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Casey

Eleven years old today.