Tuesday, October 27, 2009

War of the Paint Colors

Because it's cold in New England for much of the year, when we moved into this place, we painted our walls golden yellow throughout the house. It sort of glows, even in winter light, and the paint color is even called "summer heat."

Except in the boys room: I conceded to painting their walls lime green.

In August, however, we did a big "room swap" at our place so that the boys could each have their own rooms. Casey now has the former office, Beau has the room Britt and I used to have, and Britt and I have the boys' former room.

We weren't even done swapping furniture when the kids were asking if they could paint their rooms new colors. I'm not so keen on that, but they've kept at it -- especially Beau who wants blue walls. If he could have it his way: dark blue.

I'm not convinced. Beau, however, is not deterred. I came home one night to find him making a cardboard mock-up of what his room would look like with blue walls. (I guess he thought I couldn't picture it??)

I give him points for trying.

But for now, I've established that, except for painting the lime green walls in the room that Britt and I now have, there will be no bedroom painting before next spring. (I'm determined that by February, they'll see the beauty of the glowing, sunny yellow walls during the dark and bitter winter.)

Homemade Pasta

Last night, for something to do that was hands-on and non-screen-viewing-related, the kids and I made homemade pasta for dinner. (Well, we looked up the recipe on the Web...)

First, mix the dough:

Then, knead it and roll it:

Cut it:

Dry it while you roll and cut the rest of the dough:

Cook it:

Eat and enjoy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Warm Welcome

Casey was glad when last week the neighbors finally got home from their summer in Maine. He left a welcome home note taped to their door:

It says:

"Welcome home Wendy, Suzanne, Apu, Gus, Finn, Doley, Oscar, Felix, and Huey."
(Wendy and Suzanne are the human neighbors; the rest are dogs and cats.)

"Treats for everyone!!!!!"
(Casey left them homemade cookies, plus some dog and cat treats.)

The last bit says:

"Dear Apu, Welcome home. I'm so glad you're home because I have a dog friend again. Your friend, Arnold."

Apu is another Australian Terrier. They're from the same kennel and are related somehow. And Arnonld is, indeed, glad that the neighbor dogs (Apu and the others) are home again.

Mountain Man

Fresh on the heels of the scout trip, on Wednesday the 7th and 8th graders at Beau's school climbed Mount Mondanock in NH. It's 3,000+ feet high and the second most frequently climbed mountain in the world (right after Mt. Fuji).

Backpacking in VT (or not)

Last weekend Britt and Beau went on a backpacking trip in Vermont with the scouts. They actually didn't make it to the wilderness site because some of the kids were struggling in the cold and wet and mud, so to be on the safe side, the group turned back and camped at a regular campground then those who were up for it did some more day hiking the next day.

It was Beau's first actual backpacking trip, that is, he carried not only his personal gear, but also sleeping gear, tent, share of food, etc.

He wasn't the trip youth leader, but he is a patrol leader, so here he is at the departure rendezvous point conferring with the adult trip leader about what needs to be done.

Group picture from Day #2.

Apparently, Beau's patrol could be called the curly-haired kid patrol.

Here's the vista from Day #2.