Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Fun

It's been a snowy winter this year.

Lovely, pristine, newly fallen snow:

Snow-covered trees:

Snow-covered buildings:

Snow forts:

Digging out the neighbor's car (for extra income):



Pond hockey:

Cat finding a cat-sized duvet (camping out inside a pillowcase with a down pillow):

Cozy plaid wool couch cushions:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photos from the Winter Camping Trip

Well, the winter camping trip, snowshoeing into the AMC hut at Zeeland Falls, was a great success. The weather was great, and Britt and Beau had a great time.

Here's Beau dressed for snowshoeing on Sat. morning

The group:

View along the way:

Group shot:

Finally at the night's destination:

View from the hut:

Kitchen and dining accommodations:

Sleeping accommodations:

Look carefully and you can see the ice on the interior wall of the bunk room the next morning:

The hike out on Sunday morning (it was snowing):

Frozen waterfall:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Preparing for Winter Camping

Britt and Beau are going with the Boy Scouts this weekend to shoeshoe into an AMC hut in NH and spend the night. So last night, found us in a flurry of activity to get ready for the trip.

Mixing gorp:

Making water bottle insulators:

(Yes, it'll be so cold on the trip that there's a chance the water will freeze...)


Baking shoes:

(Actually, the shoes are in the oven in an attempt to warm the leather so it'll soak up the waterproofing wax, but still... it's pretty funny.)