Tuesday, February 1, 2011

He's A Scout?

The state of the roads plus the limited parking available at the meeting site, means we took public transportation to get to Boy Scouts tonight.

Note: it's cold outside, we've got to wait for a bus, the snow is piled high, not all the curb cuts are shoveled out yet, and there will surely be need to shovel snow on the walk in front of the church.

Please also note: the Boy Scout motto is "Be Prepared."

What is this Boy Scout wearing on his feet? Not boots.
What is he wearing on his hands? Nothing -- that's why they're in his pockets.
He's the troop SPL (ie leader), but where is his meeting agenda? In his mother's tote bag.


Pamma said...

Well as they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Did anyone else get to the scout meeting?

Beau said...

but in the end, everything worked out fine...
What does this tell you?

Robin said...

It tells me that you got lucky. -mom