Monday, May 28, 2007

Highlights from Memorial Day Weekend

Beginning with Thursday: It was so hot that the kids ate their after-school snack outside in the shade in the backyard.

Thursday night, at the kids' little league baseball game, Beau pitched one inning.

Casey was catcher that night.

Skippin to Saturday: In the morning, Beau helped the cub scouts put flags on the veterans' graves at the Cambridge Cemetery.

In the afternoon, Britt helped Larry position their new front walkway.

Beau and Jake were conscripted to haul wheel barrow loads of soil.

That night, we went to the see New England Revolution (soccer) play against Kansas City and lose 4 to 3.

Sunday morning, eight of us went for hike before lunch.

While hiking, we found a toad.

And we saw lots of Lady Slipper flowers.

Monday, Britt, Beau, and Casey marched with the cub scouts in the Memorial Day Parade.


Anonymous said...

Such fun sharing your weekend through pictures! I remember what a good time we had on this weekend last year with you all.

Carrie said...

I wish I was there to do stuff with you guys.