Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Camping in New Hampshire

Traditionally, we go camping the weekend after Labor Day. Last weekend, we headed to Pillsbury State Park in New Hampshire.

This is the view from our campsite.

After putting up the tent,

we went canoeing on May Pond.

We saw two loons.

Casey caught a guppy-sized bass.

Then he caught a sun fish.

Then he caught a much larger bass, but it spit the hook just as we got it to the canoe.

That night, the campsite was rife with bull frogs.

It poured rain all night. In the morning Britt cooked oatmeal in a drizzle.

Despite the drizzle, the mist, and the boys' protests, we took a hike. We didn't see any moose, but we saw some moose poop.

We saw many orb spider webs,

some enormous fungus,

and quite a few bright orange-red salamanders.

At trailsend, the kids climbed "Balance Rock."

So did Britt.

Before leaving, Britt and Casey skipped stones in Mill Pond.

Down the road from Pillsbury State Park, is the town of Washington.

It's the first town incorporated under the name of George Washington.

We ate lunch at the Washington General Store.

Last stop of the day was the birthplace and homestead of Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States.

We had a nice tour of the house and learned about the family, then we headed back home where we had much-needed showers, dried out our sopping wet tent, and generally got back to our domesticated life.


fusionmouse said...

You didn't mention that Casey also caught his father!

Anonymous said...

So good to see more pictures of the family and hear about your outings. Looks like you had a wonderful time in NH despite the drizzle. But I am curious about what [tk] means under a number of the entries.

Carrie said...

Where are all the rest of the people? It's like you all are the only ones out and about.